Quality-Driven Software Development

Set up and manage efficient software development and testing processes to reduce the risk of delays and critical production issues.

Learning outcomes

Outline a built-in quality strategy that best suits your business and team

What level of quality do your customers need?

What level of quality are they willing to pay for?

What level of quality are you capable of delivering to them?

How to assemble the testing efforts without creating silos?

Define as a Team

The only thing that delays your Launch day is the waste in your workflows – poorly written stories, handovers, waiting for feedback instead of asking for feedback.

Learn how to identify the critical Use Cases as part of your User Stories to drive your development efforts.

Synthesise the essential qualities of your software

Gain a deep understanding of software quality and use it to prioritise your features.

Predict quality risks early using a Quality Checklist to identify crucial qualities for your software features and spare yourself unmanageable production issues.

Deliver as a Team

No one can test better than your users. They have a goal, various skills and imagination. So does your entire team.

Master the testing techniques and make collaborative testing sessions a daily routine that catches bugs on the fly to decrease your time to market.

Clean your task board to speed up your releases

Quality means fast too. If your backlog and development workflow is a tiny mess, you cannot expect quality or speed at the end.

Design the optimal workflows to reduce the invisible cost of inefficient processes.

BONUS #1: Numbers don’t lie, but you need to know how to read them

You need transparency to keep everything up and running at a healthy rhythm and continuously improve.

Adopt data-driven workflow management for your self-organised teams and open space for the innovation that will accelerate your business growth.

BONUS #2: Two months of continuous expert guidance, support and mentorship

Even with the best instructions, implementing quality and test strategy is not the easiest thing to do. That’s why within the course community, I’ll be providing continuous help and guidance until you’re comfortable with the first version of your better development processes.

BONUS #3: Two slots for Office Hours every day

You have my full attention during the course, and I’ll be answering any questions each day (GMT+2). Formally, 2 x Office Hours sessions are scheduled daily during the course.

My only goal is for you to make the most out of the course, so I’ll be there for you.

BONUS #4: State-of-the-Art User Story Analysis workshop included

The User Story Analysis is the missing link in modern software development. 

Get your team ready to deliver software with great confidence, considering all vital software characteristics and revealing critical risks early in the process. Enough with the bugs and rework.