High-Quality User Stories

We can’t expect quality at the end of our development workflow if it starts with messy user stories. Good stories enable fast development.

For one hour, we’ll talk about how a written requirement should look so that it not only inspires engineering thinking but also prevents a good amount of production issues and speeds up your release cycle.

It’s free, and if you miss it, no worries – I will send you the recording.

Anyone who signs up will also receive my “User Story Checklist” to help you streamline your refinement process.

October 18, 7 PM UTC+3

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/439817725657

Have a great day, and see you there!

Break the pattern, save a production issue.


Oct 18 2022


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Location Name


Organizer Name